The best website firewall in my opinion
Ok in website terms a shield wall would be a firewall.
A firewall is protection provided by a security specialist that intercepts hackers and all other forms of bad guys from even getting to your website in the first place.
The best service I know of is provided by sucuri.net and you can find more information about their sucuri firewall here .
This service works for any kind of website and starts at about $USD10 per month which is not a lot compared to what it could cost you to lose days of trading online and repair bills.
Free website firewall option for WordPress websites
Now if you don’t have much of a budget for this type of thing and have a WordPress website then at the very least get this free firewall too and start using it.
Click here for more information about the WordFence firewall WordPress plugin.
I’ve been building WordPress websites for over a decade, spoken at conferences around the world, and taught countless people how to build and maintain their sites.
I know its a jungle out there finding the right people for website development.
But I’m here to help.
Author Profile – Tony Cosentino