WordCamp Melbourne 26-27 Feb 2011

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WordCamp Melbourne 2011

Who needs to go?

  • If you are new to WordPress and live in the Melbourne area you need to go to WordCamp Melbourne.
  • If you are a WordPress developer and need to learn more skills and meet other developers you need to get on a plane if you have to and go to this event.

Direct link to ticket sales click here.

When’s it on again?

26-27 Feb 2011

9am – 5pm both on Saturday and Sunday as far as I know.

And where?


Cnr Queensberry & Errol Street,

North Melbourne

Who’s Speaking?

Amanda Gonzalez – untangletheweb.com.au

Pimp My Content | 9 content tips and techniques to transform your website into a successful sales tool

Paul Gibbs – BuddyPress developer

Introduction to BuddyPress

Brett Morgan – Google Developer Relations Engineer for Blogger

Using Blogger as a hosting partner

Dan Milward – Creator of the famous eCommerce plugin

Games Powered by WordPress

Glenn Todd – Bindarri founder

Bindarri and Doing Something for Good Garden projects

Bronson Quick – Senza.com.au

What you should be utilising in the Twenty Ten functions.php

Ryan Allen – reponsible for managing (server) performance at some of Australia’s busiest websites.

Scaling WordPress for Hi-Traffic

Melinda Samson – SEO web copywriter, Google Qualified Advertising Professional and Google Analytics Qualified Individual

Google Anaytics 101

Troy Dean – web solutions and social media consultant

A better WordPress for your clients

So there you have it so many reasons to come to WordCamp Melbourne which is why I am going too.

See you there.

The WP Guy - Tony Cosentino

The WP Guy

Here to help with many areas of your WordPress needs.

The WP Guy

Website Health Check

Thorough audit of your WordPress website.

The WP Guy

Ongoing Support

Let me take care of the Website stuff so you can focus on what you do best.

The WP Guy

WordPress Training

- One-on-one WordPress training via zoom

- In-house group training