Online forms suck

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Online forms suck! And they should right, suck leads in and deliver new business to your inbox, suck new subscribers to your newsletter mailing list  but in reality they more often than not suck resources from your website, suck spam into your inbox and suck at delivering every email they collect.

Time to stop using the built in forms or plugins and use a 3rd party online form provider. That’s all they do all day every day.

Which form provider to use

My favourite online form provider is (no affiliation at all I they are just the shit)

There is a free option to get to know them and try it out and you can always upgrade later if you need to.

So after creating an account you use their very easy to use form builder to create a form, get the embed code to add it to anywhere on your website and you’re done. The email will come to your email account and a copy will be saved to your jotform account if your email has an issue or you can’t find the old lead.

Why its a great option or small and large businesses

If you are a small website then every lead counts and even missing one can be the difference between a profit or loss on any given period.

If you are a huge business then the traffic to your website will be already straining the resources of the website so taking the job of collecting lead information and emailing it of the website frees up resources to get more visitors per hour through the website, its Big win, big win.

Need help converting to new form system

If you need help replacing your old forms with new ones? Get in touch with me via my jotform here about changing them over as I am a guru with jotforms as I use them for my website and all of my clients websites.

Click here to get in contact with me about help with any of this

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