Make you old iPhone 3G record and upload video

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Ok well I’ve had my iPhone since it was first released about a year ago. When the new 3GS came out I wasn’t phased and felt no urge to rush out and get the new phone. Then I was having trouble updating my apps from the app store and thought here we go its going to die and give me an excuse to upgrade.


So anyway I thought what did I have to lose if I screwed the phone I might as well try this jailbreak thing. After doing it you can record video just like the 3GS and upload it to youtube or anywhere else and also you can do live streams to the QIK website, just like Ashton Kutcher does.


I have had it running without a problem since 8 July 2009.


here is the youtube video. really well explained and has all the links to software needed to be downloaded.

The files used are:


And the old firmware incase you need to restore the iPhone back to how it was in the first place. This I like as it means if it goes pear shaped you can get rid of it.


There is also an excellent step by step tutorial on Lifehacker’s Gina Trapini called “Jailbreak Iphone2.0 with Pwnage Tool“. I bought Gina’s book too called ‘Upgrade Your Life‘ it is excellent will so many smart ways of doing business in the electronic age.


So once you’ve done the jailbreak think you have an application on the iphone called Cydia. When you click on that it opens up something that looks like the appstore. You will have to play around with it to get used to it but its very easy to install software from there.

Recording video

  • install Cycorder (free from Cydia) to record video
  • install Pixelpipe (free from appstore) to upload pictures and videos to almost all of the online websites from google photos to youtube!
  • install PPVideoEnabler (free from Cydia) so that Pixelpipe can see where the videos are saved

More options

  • install Qik (free from Cydia) to record live video and stream it immediately to your own account on the QIK website. It is truly amazing how well it works. My uploaded videos are here –

Turn by Turn navigation

xGPS is a free app from Cydia also. Its not bad considering it is free. Not as good as the $80 paid app but still impressive for a freebee.


Categories – If you like me have lots of apps and find having to scroll through all the screens to find them then Categories is a must have also free from the Cydia store.  It lets you put apps into folders so you can have a folder for each category of apps you like. Cut me down from 10 screens to 2.


Winterboard – as you can see from the screenshots I like Ubuntu and was able to make my phone have an Ubuntu feel and notice the optus logo on the top left instead of the plain text. The first screenshot is actually my battery level and the more charge it has the more coloured in the logo is.

SBSettings is another great app to add which gives easy and quick access to settings and programs. Tutorial to install and use it is here. I had to reboot the iphone twice to get it going so be patient. Once its installed you swipe the very top of the screen to bring it up.

Battery percentage is another 3GS feature you can have with jailbreak. You need to install SBSettings first and here is the tutorial to set up the battery percentage. I just did it and now have a battery percentage too!


Ok now I have talked about how much fun jailbreaking you phone is remember hacking any product come with risks. If you try this and it goes pear shaped please don’t blame me. I only recommend doing this with an older phone that you could live without if something catastrophic happened. I wouldn’t do it to a brand spanking new iphone myself. I in no way endorse jailbreaking either I am only presenting information for those curious about it.

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