How to transfer a domain name to

by | Basics, Blog, domain hosting, How to

How to transfer a domain to crazydomains

When you got your website did you register the domain name yourself? If you left it to the web developer you need to regain control as one day you may part ways and then it gets hard to sort out.

It’s like buying a car and registering it in the car dealers name, its yours so it needs to be registered in YOUR name.

The easiest way is to transfer it to a reliable well know domain hosting company which is very cost effective too and manage it yourself.

This is not a post about web hosting that’s different

Think of domain hosting as a just a place where your web address is registered, no files live there. The actual website files are store with your web host company.

I have written a post about that called ‘Why use web hosting

Simple steps to regain control

A quick step by step guide on how to transfer a domain to crazydomains you have previously registered with another domains company or the web developer who built you website.

NOTE: this has nothing to do with the web hosting it is purely the domain name we are working with here.

Go to and select transfer domain from main menu at

How to transfer a domain to crazydomains

How to transfer a domain to crazydomains


Enter the domain you want to transfer to

here is the page you end up on which you could go straight to if you wanted to skip the previous step

link to transfer domain name to


Click on add to cart on next screen

how to transfer a domain to crazydomains

Enter the password for the domain name, a critical step when learning how to transfer a domain to crazydomains

This is the password that you would have been emailed when registering the domain name originally.

If you don’t have it you will need to request it from the previous domain hosting company

enter password

Wait for email confirmation

After the correct password has been accepted the email address you used to originally register the domain name with will be send an email to confirm the transfer.  You need to click on a link to approve the transfer. This is the last step in how to transfer a domain to crazydomains.

confirm via email the domain name transfer to

Now wait up to 7 days for the transfer to complete

It takes time to do theses transfers, up to 7 days in fact. The good thing about is they copy the settings from the old domain host so if you had the domain pointing to some web hosting those details will be duplicated.
For the technical people: the nameserver settings are also copied over so that there is no downtime for the domain name or email acounts.

how to transfer a domain to crazydomains

 I hope you have enjoyed learning how to transfer a domain to crazydomains

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