Google Wave resource

by | How to

This is a living post. I will be adding information about Google Wave as I find it in real time.

Sunday 25 October 2009:
A great blog post has just gone online by Francie Jones (Twitter: @FrancieJones ) at explaining Google Wave from her point of view, the Sydney Google Wave User Group (#gwsug) experience and a great collection of videos about Google Wave.

Monday 19 October 2009:
Hi everyone, I was hoping the demo below would be viewable to everyone but I think you still need a google wave account to see it in action. So sorry about that.
Thanks to @gadgetfarmer for joining me on it too.

A repeat performance is already being planned and will be posted here and on twitter when finalised. Non google wave users will be accomodated next time also.

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8 October 2009: Google Wave 101 by Gina Trapani

Gina Trapani founding editor of still writes articles like this one , Google Wave 101 about useful things to know once you actually start using wave.  Gina current website is

Register for Google Wave

First things first get registered. You can go here to register for Google Wave so that when it becomes available you will automatically be registered and avoid the stampede.

What you may not know
  • 100,000 invitations to use google wave were sent out on September 30. They were a mixture of developers, people who signed up first to provide feedback (take note sign up early for new ideas to give feedback does have advantages), selected google apps customers
  • Google wave currently won’t work in Internet Explorer. You have to install a Google Chrome Frame plugin because of course Internet Explorer can’t handle the HTML 5 technology. See the blog about Google Chrome Frame here.
  • If you are lucky enough to get invited now during the early stages you still need someone to talk to. So don’t fret if you don’t have google wave as it will be the best when everyone has it and can all talk to each other.
  • the Google Wave Team is based in Australia
Some screen shots
Here a fantastic 2 minute video that explains Google Wave in a fun cartoon style.

Google Wave First Look

A great review by the talented Gina Trapani from talking you through most of the features of Google Wave.

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