10 great WordPress shopping carts

by | Blog, ecommerce, Plugins, Reviews

Here are 10 WordPress shopping carts you can research when looking for an eCommerce solution for your website.

A common question by newcomers to WordPress is can you do eCommerce or shopping carts with WordPress and the answer is a resounding yes you can. And to prove it I have listed a series of options available for you to go and research and decide for yourself which suits you best.


Cost: Free
Extensions: At last count there were 108 of them. Cost varies from $25-75

To name a few there are:

  • Follow up emails $35, Chained products – create and sell product bundles / combos $35
  • Software Add-on – Sell licence keys for software $75
  • e-Path gateway (Australia) $50
  • eway gateway *Australia) $50
  • GoCardless $50
  • Product CSV import suite $50
  • NAB Transact – take payemnts via NAB transact $50
  • Review for Discount – reward reviewers with discount coupons $20
  • Freshbooks integration $50
  • Amazon S3 Storage – serve digital products via Amazon S3 $35
  • US postal service shipping calculator $50
  • Australia Post shipping calculator $50
  • AWeber – mailing list opt on for customers $35
  • Newsletter subscription – for mailchimp and campaign monitor $35
  • clickatell – send SMS notifications to customers, works all over the world, USA and Australia included. Example cost is $1 for 25 sms messages per month in Australia. More info on Clickatell service and pricing for your specific country
  • facebook – sell products via facebook page $35
  • commission king – assign, track and pay commissions on sales of your products $75
  • gravity forms add on – create product add-ons using the powerful form building capabilities found in Gravity forms $35

Where: http://www.woothemes.com/woocommerce/

This is fast becoming the tool of choice for developers in the WordPress arena. With a combination of rapid development and continued focus on getting it right it is a very good option. This plugin can be used with any theme and there are also eCommerce themes already built got in at woothemes so it can be a very fast process to get going with.

Themes: http://woothemes.com


Cost: $US55
Where: http://shopplugin.net/

I’ve used this in the past. Not a bad plugin and has some good automatic features like popular/new products right from the start. Has a paid Australia Post shipping module for $US25


Cost: free with premium upgrade options, get the gold cart for $40 its worth it.
Where: http://getshopped.org/
Examples: large eCommerce sites: Innovate Electrical Supplies (approx. 2000 products), City Surf Shops (unsure of numbers but a lot)
Related postsWP-eCommerce for WordPress has friends with benefits

The original eCommerce plugin written by Dan Milward originally but now has a cool team working on it full time. The plugin has recently had a huge makeover and is a decent plugin to work with with a lot of add-ons made by the community gathered around it. Has free Australia Post shipping module built in (I believe James Collins wrote this particular piece of code) which is brilliant.

This is my favourite plugin of the lot I might add.

user contributionsSome valuable feedback from Mark from support at Storefront Themes

Hi, i do the support at Storefront Themes a premium theme provider for WP-Ecommerce themes. You certainly can build a substantial store with WPEC.

I would highly recommend the plugin Smart Manager, for WPEC if you have lots of products. (I know plugins for plugins!). I LOVE it. It gives you all of your products in a spreadsheet style view and allows batch updates and changes such as 10% off all TV’s. You can change different things about 50 products on one screen and just hit save to write all to the database.

Plus the developers are super responsive. I have written 3 times and said it would be great if it could do this or worked this way. Each time it has been updated within 6 weeks! Smart manager http://www.storeapps.org/



As a side note I can vouch for Storefront Themes, they are a fantastic theme company to use with the WP-eCommerce pluging. They are GPL licensed have excellent training videos on how to setup a shop correctly and also support WordCamps with sponsorship so support the WordPress community too.

WP Simple Paypal Shopping Cart

Cost: Free
Where: http://www.tipsandtricks-hq.com/ecommerce/wp-shopping-cart

Haven’t used this one. I am happy to add your thoughts here if you leave me a short comment at the bottom of the post. I will add it here and credit you.



Where: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/eshop/
Noteworthy: eShop is an accessible shopping cart plugin for WordPress.


Cost: $US89 / year for updates
Where: http://cart66.com/

This theme integrates with the acquisito theme by Press75.com


Wp Store Cart

Cost: Free
Where: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/wpstorecart/

Haven’t used this one. I am happy to add your thoughts here if you leave me a short comment at the bottom of the post. I will add it here and credit you.



Cost: Free
Where: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/ecwid-shopping-cart/

I am told by Lisa Davis of wisemonkeys.com.au that this is very easy to use and integrates with facebook quite nicely.


Jigo Shop WordPress eCommerce

Cost: Free
Where: http://jigoshop.com/

Haven’t used this one. I am happy to add your thoughts here if you leave me a short comment at the bottom of the post. I will add it here and credit you.

user contributionsSome very useful feedback from Jayson of http://www.flippish.com/

I have used Jigoshop and ill give it a plus for being so configurable with css and html, but the problem is there is a little selection for free payment gateway, it has authorize gateway being sold for $49 but Eshop have it free and Wp-ecommerce have the the google checkout free.


Quick Shop

Cost: Free
Where: http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/quick-shop/

Haven’t used this one. I am happy to add your thoughts here if you leave me a short comment at the bottom of the post. I will add it here and credit you.


There you have it 10 options to go and check out. Please leave a comment about your thoughts and any other shopping carts you think are worth a mention.

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